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Contact number:+86 13711033119
The Freight Information
Please check before ordering, Any question please contact us, Thank you.
LocationAir Delivery timeSea Delivery timeWay of taking goodsnote
Saudi Arabia$10/kg15 days $300/cbm45 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Qatar$10/kg10 days $300/cbm45 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Dubai$9/kg10 days$200/cbm35 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Oman$10/kg10 days $300/cbm45 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Kuwait$10/kg10 days $400/cbm45 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Brunei$15/kg7 days$150/cbm40 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Malaysia$7/kg7 days$90/cbm30 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Tailand$7/kg7 days$200/cbm35 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Nigeria$6/kg10 days$280/cbm60 daysPick up from local warehouseInclude tax
Canada$12/kg15 days $500/cbm60 daysDoor to door

exclude tax

MOQ 2cbm

Australia$11/kg15 days$450/cbm60 daysDoor to door

exclude tax

MOQ 2cbm

Singapore$9/kg10 days$160/cbm35 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
USA$15/kg50 days$750/cbm50 daysDoor to doorinclude tax
Bahrain$15/kg15 days$350/cbm50 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Brazil$15/kg15 days$500/cbm50 daysDoor to doorInclude tax
Mexico$12/kg15 days$550/cbm50 daysDoor to door

Include tax

MOQ 2cbm

$10/kg10days$250/cbm40daysDoor to doorInclude tax

  The price of international ocean freight is unstable every month. Please quote based on the delivery time

  The final shipping fee is subject to the shipping company's quotation.

  Update time: 20/09/2023